
[One] is a Curated Membership for Innovation Obsessed Entrepreneurs.

A New Model For Memberships

[One] is a membership collective that we created for people like us: standing out from the crowd is our BASELINE. We wanted to create a space that looked nooooothing else like anything we’ve ever seen before. One that will inspire the hell outta you, equip you with next level ideas, have you making big ass moves, connect you with other innovators, keep you on top of all the trends worth paying attention to, AND make your business competition a complete and total non-issue. That’s what happens when you’re a true “category of one.”

You’ve been craving something totally different

If you’re thinking “ugh, another membership”, dude...we so don’t blame you. We’re not really membership people either. But we’re SO friggin over the boring ass, copy everyone else, post the same dumb content, offer the same shit, sell the same crap, “HOW TO GET TO CONSISTENT 50K MONTHS WHILE WORKING 1 HOUR A WEEK” bullshit. This online biz space just seems to be getting more and more vanilla, more and more same/same, and all of it makes us wanna barf. But rather than complain to you on social media or in this cute lil Notion site, we decided to do something different and fix this problem our damn selves. That’s why we created [One].

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How is the [One] Membership Different?

This is for you… if you feel like…